All Things Archery Elk Camp
The name pretty much says it all! This class has been in the works for a few years now, we will allow both men and women to attend, and the camp will consist of Archery Range time, Classroom study time (learning how to find elk), hands-on calling class, Actual Hunting Scenarios, and so much more. This will be an incredible camp to get you ready for archery elk season or just to fine-tune your skills.
2025 Oregon
Registration is OPEN!
June 13th-15th
Limited to 12 Participants
Men & Women
Are you new to archery hunting? Have you been hunting for a while and just can’t seal the deal? Yow Hunting Camps can help you build confidence, learn strategies and build on the skills you already have.
Our team of instructors have years of successful archery experience in the elk woods. We have certified archery instructors on our archery range to help you with sighting in, and make sure that you are ready for your hunt.
This camp is hands-on, from scenarios on the archery range with a moving target to in the field scenarios with air soft bows and decoys. You will learn to play the wind and use the terrain to your advantage.
Elk calling is an important tool to take into the woods with you, we spend a lot of time talking about when you should do what and how to do it. But we don’t just talk about it, bring your calls and we will help you get comfortable with your calling skills.
E-Scouting is a great way to study new hunting areas without putting in the miles. We will show you what to look for when e-scouting, how to use OnX maps when e-scouting as well as when you are on your hunt.
There is no guide book that will give you all of the answers on how to have a successful archery elk hunt. It takes experience in the field and learning from mistakes. Let Yow Hunting Camps help you from making the same mistakes that we have, and help you have a successful hunt. So bring your tent or camp trailer, we have plenty of space for dry camping. We will feed you very well and share as much of our knowledge as we can.